Sunday, October 18, 2009

A Little Hiatus

I'm going to a conference next week, followed by a little vacation. I've written two posts that will publish automatically while I'm gone. I may or may not respond to comments for the next two weeks. I probably won't respond to e-mails. I'll resume the malocclusion series when I get back.


  1. Thanks for the Information.....I agree with the above thought and I am very happy to be the part of this discussion....
    wow gold

  2. Wow "Barb" - Nice spam ya got there girl!

  3. Man, Stephan leaves for one day and spammers show up. They certainly don't waste any time!

    Have fun on your vacation Stephan!

  4. I agree with Barb, this was a highly informative and opinionated post, with which I happen to agree entirely, and I am likewise pleased to be involved with this OMG BUY VI4GRA

  5. That was spam from Barb.
    But at least Spam is low-carb.

    Stephan's away.
    Now we can play.
    All day, every day.


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