Thursday, June 24, 2010

Interview with Jimmy Moore

About two months ago, I did an interview with Jimmy Moore of the Livin' la Vida Low Carb internet empire. I hardly remember what we talked about, but I think it went well. I enjoyed Jimmy's pleasant and open-minded attitude. Head over to Jimmy's website and listen to the interview here.

I do recall making at least one mistake. When discussing heart attacks,I said "atrial fibrillation" when I meant "ventricular fibrillation".


  1. It was a good interview. I wish he'd gone a bit into a few more topics, like industrial seed oils, but I got the feeling he wasn't too familiar with your work.

    But it was good all the same.

    The leptin discussion was very interesting.

    What did you think of Mark Sisson's post the other day linking leptin sensitivity and linoleic acid?

  2. It wasn't so much I'm not familiar with Stephan's work, Tuck. It was more a matter of he's just so much more knowledgeable on this stuff than I am. I was grateful to speak with him and give him a platform for sharing more about who he is. Something tells me he'll be back again for another interview sometime. :)

  3. Great interview. Thanks to both yourself & Jimmy. One question for you Stephan. You mentioned gluten fragments having opiate-like activity and this is something that I have read from a few sources now. Typically, it is believed that these fragments (and any other substance for that matter) has to make it across the gastrointestinal barrier and then across the blood-brain barrier. However, the gut contains its own very complex neural network that is heavily wired to the brain (the gut-brain axis), and it is this axis that is used to explain how foods can have an impact on stress, anxiety, and emotion (see here for more info: Do you think it is possible that the likes of gluten can act locally within the gut and then have these effects transmitted to the brain neurally rather than have to act on the brain directly via the blood-brain barrier?

  4. Great podcast, one of the best on Jimmy Moore's show for a while. Since Matt Stone's anyway....

    Keep up the great work both Jimmy and Stephan!

  5. Thanks for doing the interview, Jimmy. It's very much worth listening to. And a follow-up would be great as well.

    My personal experience was that I stopped using vegetable oils based on what I read on this site, and the carb cravings went away. I didn't start intentionally on a low-carb diet until later. The notion that one or maybe two foods (industrial seed oils and, perhaps, wheat) could be behind this obesity epidemic would be a pretty interesting bit of news.

    So there'd be plenty to discuss in a follow-up, IMHO.

    Maybe you've done a lousy interview already, but I've not heard it. They're uniformly excellent.

  6. I look forward to listening - after discovering the gold mine of interviews Jimmy's posted over the years, I've been eagerly wading through, and enjoying getting to hear from some of my low-carb heroes. One thing I appreciate about Jimmy's show is his approach is non-threatening, making the real goal we have more achievable; getting the best information to all the folks willing to benefit from that information. WHS is similar in this regard (there's a need for the more combative advocates, of course).

    I live in gratitude to be in a place in a time when so much learning may be gained from so many folks.

  7. Jimmy is a great interviewer. He does his homework, asks the right questions and then listens.

  8. Stephan was an easy interview guest, too! Kinda like Gary Taubes--just wind 'em up and let 'em go! :) Gary's coming back again on September 13, 2010 by the way. THANKS for the feedback guys!

  9. Jamie Scott, regarding opioids in gluten:

    The major opioid is gluten is gliadorphin (GD7) while the major opioid in A-1 milk (a genetic deviant found only in the milk of some cows)is beta-casomorphin (BCM7).

    These peptides are broken down during digestion in a healthy gut but pass through the gut wall into the bloodstream in those with a leaky gut. Those with autism usually have a leaky gut, which may be in part the cause of autism, and for that reason are commonly given a gluten free, casein free(GFCF)diet.

    A study by Sun and Cade (PMID 12668219)found that in normal rats, GD7 from gluten affected only 3 regions of the brain while BCM7 from A1 milk affected 45. They demonstrated that, "GD7 can only get into a few bits of the brain by sneaking through the bushes whereas BCM7 from A1 milk drives straight up the highway and goes wherever it wants to." (As expressed by Keith Woodford, author of "Devil in the Milk")

  10. Hi Tuck,

    I think Mark Sisson is correct in thinking that excess linoleic acid could be involved in leptin resistance/obesity. That's something I've written about as well.

    Hi Jimmy,

    Good to see you on the blog. I'd be up for another interview if you'd like to do one.

    Hi Jamie,

    You make a good point. Exorphins wouldn't necessarily have to get into general circulation or even cross the gut barrier to have an effect on the rest of the body or the central nervous system. There hasn't been a lot of research on them, and it's still unclear whether or not they play a role in human health. I would love to see more research.

  11. Hi Jack,

    Keep in mind the animals were not fed exorphin-containing food; exorphins were infused directly into the bloodstream. I don't know if Woodford's book made that clear, but it's an important point. I also assume the dosage was very large compared to what would cross the gut barrier in someone with a leaky gut.

  12. Thanks, Stephan and Jimmy, for an awesome interview. A follow-up would be terrific. These issues are so relevant, and especially the kind of open-minded research you commit to, Stephan. I know there aren't a lot of "real" answers out there, but I definitely appreciate hearing your take on things.

    Do you think one of the reasons weight training has been deemed an effective form of exercise by users is because it's typically done in an HIIT fashion, or by another beneficial side effect?

  13. Stephen,

    Keith Woodford made it clear that the exorphins were injected.

    The extent that BCM7 (beta casomorphin) from A1 milk passes the gut barrier of most autistic children has been made clear by the high levels of BCM7 found in the urine of autistic children but not in urine of normal children. When autistic children are put on a gluten free-casein free diet there is a marked decrease in exorphins in the urine and a significant improvement in symptoms.

    Autistic children fed A1 milk had high levels of BCM7 in their urine whereas those fed A2 milk did not.

    Babies have a leaky gut up to the age of 6 months and thus are able to absorb colostrum which has very large molecules, but also readily absorb BCM7.

    BCM7 is also a powerful oxidant that oxidizes LDL cholesterol. Three month old formula fed babies were found to have four times the level of antibodies to oxLDL as breast fed babies. (PMID 11375315)

    Those with ulcers and untreated coeliac disease have a leaky gut that permits passage of BCM7.

    "BCM7 that is released in the gut can effect the digestive system without necessarily being absorbed into the bloodstream".

  14. And Jimmy, I did not mean to criticize you by saying you were not too familiar with Stephen's work.

    You're obviously a voracious reader and diligent researcher, but you're covering a lot, and Stephen's written a lot.

    I've still not read everything on this site, and I've been trying to. ;)

    And I don't cover nearly as much as you do.

    To all of Stephen's followers, check out Jimmy's podcast interviews. He's got some really terrific stuff.

  15. Good update here on BCM7:

  16. Stephan,

    Jimmy's interview was my introduction to you! I enjoyed what you had to say. I have a friend who is uber-curious and experimenting with fermented foods. Your interview has propelled me into a similar journey.

    My one lingering concern after the interview is your seemingly hopeless outlook for those of us who are already obese. You seem optimistic about preventative properties of certain dietary modifications, but it seems you do not believe there is a permanent weight loss solution out there for us.

    Is this a misunderstanding on my part, or is this something you are still exploring?

    Thank you for taking the time to sit down with Jimmy. I am going to explore your site!

  17. Hi Mrs. Stash,

    Welcome to the blog. I didn't intend to imply that fat loss is hopeless for the obese. I think it's worth trying, if desired. I just want people to understand the biological mechanisms they're up against, so they can make informed decisions and not follow the same ineffective path that has failed so many others (i.e., simple calorie restriction without changes to diet quality or lifestyle). I wrote a series not too long ago called "the body fat setpoint" that outlines some strategies that I think are worth trying.

  18. Jamie Scott

    Thanks for the link to the update on Kieth Woodford's book "Devil in the Milk". It seems that the work by the Russians, who have developed a method for measuring BCM7 in blood, answered a lot of questions. The recent work is quite convincing of the hazards associated with A1 milk.

  19. A couple weeks ago, I wrote the following:
    I’d like you to take a look at Campbell’s The China Study sometime. He makes a compelling case that chronic disease is a direct result of too much animal protein in your diet (>5 or 10% of calories). It’s hard to argue with his data, but you might have some insight into his research and conclusions.

    Glenn responded with three references: ,,
    The Masterjohn review is well written, but neither he nor the others are scientists. I looked at all the negative reviews on Amazon, but none of the authors had any significant scientific content or seemed to be written by scientists.
    I did a Google search with .edu limiter and found nothing critical about his casein data.

    For me to reject Campbell's claims, I need a serious scientific discussion of his data and procedures by someone with scientific credentials. I am looking to Stephan for some help here.

  20. Wish I could send you an email but here tis':

    Here is your chance to tell the US government your thoughts on what our dietary guidelines should be! The comment period is open until July 15th. Here is the link to the USDA Dietary Guidelines:


  21. Could anyone suggest some reading on what is (or isn't) known about leaky gut syndrome so far. As a non-technical person, I find it hard to distinguish between ideas that are supported by good evidence and ideas that gain credibility because they get tossed around a lot.
    As always, thanks to Stephan and the many contributers to his site.

  22. Can anyone suggest some reliable reading to learn more about leaky gut syndrome? As a non-technical person I find it hard to distingish between what is supported by research and what gains credibility just from being tossed around a lot.
    Thanks as always to Stephan and the folks who post to his site.

  23. Great interview! It was very interesting to hear glutamates discussed as I am very allergic to MSG. Often additives have been left out of "diet" discussions, or people who don't believe they have a reaction don't bother to consider the role of additives. Looking forward to more discussion.

  24. @ Jack C. I have blooged on the A1 milk update here:

    In particular, have a look at the recent news item video toward the end that shows a company perhaps exploiting the effects of A1 for the purposes of improved sleep.

  25. Fascinating interview ... And now I know how to pronounce your name!

  26. @Glades: Stephan may have a better starting point, but I don't think this would be a bad one:

    According to Dr. Fasano, wheat causes leaky gut in all people, not just celiacs.

  27. Glades,

    A good source of information on leaky gut syndrome is "Gut and Psychology Syndrome" by Natasha Campbell McBride.

    While the book is oriented towards dietary treatment of dysbiosis that often accompanies autism, it has a lot of good information about the causes of gut dysfunction (anti-biotics are perhaps the main cause.), including dietary causes. Dietary recommendations start with a very low carbohydrate diet which evolves to a "nutrient dense" diet as progress is made.

    There are a few faults with the book (vitamin D deficiency, which can cause gut problems, is not mentioned and the problems associated with A1 milk are not addressed) but the book is worthwhile to those with gut problems.

  28. Glades,

    A second excellent book related to leaky gut syndrome is "Devil in the Milk" by Keith Woodford.

    The book deals with certain protein fragments in some milk and in gluten that can pass through the gut walls of those with a leaky gut, as determined by their presence in urine, and are considered to contribute to many autoimmune diseases, including type 1 diabetes, autism, Crohn's disease and rheumatoid arthritis.

    "Devil in the Milk" together with "Gut and Psychology Syndrome", will give a good overall picture of the causes, consequences and dietary treatment of a leaky gut.

  29. In the interview, it was mentioned that inulin is a fructose polymerase, just like starch is a glucose polymerase..

    What I'm wondering though, don't the prebiotics Inulin & Fructooligosaccharides (FOS, sugar derivative) feed BOTH good AND bad bacteria in the large intestine?

    I read that supplementing with prebiotics (such as manufactured FOS), can lead to Klebsiella yeast growth...


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