Sunday, April 15, 2012

Next Primal Chef Event Sunday 5/20

Gil Butler has been working on a television show called Primal Chef, where he invites local chefs to make creative dishes from a list of Paleo ingredients, in a designated amount of time.  The format is reminiscent of Iron Chef.  The food is judged afterward by figures in the Paleo community.  Robb Wolf was a judge on the first episode.

Gil has invited me to be a judge on the next show, along with Sara Fragoso and Dr. Tim Gerstmar.  The next day, Sunday April 20th, Gil is organizing a catered Primal Chef event in Seattle, with Paleo dinner, speakers, entertainment, prizes, and a screening of part of Paleo Chef episode 1.  You can read the details and sign up here.  I won't be speaking because I don't have time to put together another talk right now, but I will be attending the event. 


  1. For whatever it's worth: I worked on an e-commerce project for a national grocery store chain. In their lingo. "Primals," not primal had a specific meaning:

    Primal cuts are basic sections from which steaks and other subdivisions are cut.

  2. Off topic, but thought you might be interested:

    Brides lose weight through a nasal feeding tube without hunger:

  3. I'm not sure that you should be a judge on this show- Isn't your main health hypothesis something like this:

    "When food is nice, people eat more of it and get sick. Therefore food should be gross to ensure health." ?

  4. This is an odd venture. What exactly are you judging? I'm guessing there's more to it than "Yep, that sure is a boiled sweet potato".

  5. Hi Nostril,

    I suppose that's a joke?

    Hi bentley,

    I'm judging the flavor and appearance of the food.

  6. "I'm judging the flavor and appearance of the food."

    Lol, no kidding? Relative to what though? I'm curious about the parameters and what your food reward research brings to the table.

  7. Hi bentley,

    I don't see why it's so funny. I've never said that people need to avoid all food that tastes good. I typically keep my day-to-day diet wholesome and relatively simple, but I'm not afraid to eat delicious things. I just don't base my daily diet around those things.

    Eating delicious food is part of enjoying life, but the problem comes when every meal is an exercise in gastronomic pleasure. I have a great appreciation for delicious food, and I'm a good chef myself when I want to be. I just don't live my daily life like that because I know where it leads.

  8. bentley, you don't seem to have understood that these primal chef events are just one part of the wider comic relief paleo programme. other planned upcoming events include a fun run with gary taubes, robert lustig eats a toffee apple at the circus, mark sisson eats 151g of carbs in an eating contest and jack kruse spends a whole day sitting in a room that's adjusted to room temperature. i'm hoping to attend the data torture tutorial where denise minger and ned koch teach how you can torture the data of any epidemeological study to confirm your beliefs. but most of all i am curious to try out the new reverse polarity neurowarp helmet that kruse has invented. he's calling it the matesz. you put the helmet on set it to 'quantum warp' and when you take it off all your beliefs become the polar opposite of what they were before you put it on. i can't wait ...

  9. @Josh

    Pretty good but I'm holding out for primal DWTS.

  10. i'll keep an eye out for it. just to clarify i'm not lumping stephan in with the crazies. he's one of the only sane ones left. he'd definitely be the last one voted off on survivor - paleo mental health kitavan island edition.

  11. "i'll keep an eye out for it. just to clarify i'm not lumping stephan in with the crazies. he's one of the only sane ones left. he'd definitely be the last one voted off on survivor - paleo mental health kitavan island edition"


    No one thinks you live on luke warm water and nutri paste Stephan. The entire notion of a primal chef is hilarious. Having the event judged by the guy who pointed that out is even better.

  12. Hey Stephen

    Yes, it was a joke, but with a grain of true curiosity !

    Bentley is right on the money with "The entire notion of a primal chef is hilarious. Having the event judged by the guy who pointed that out is even better."



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