Sunday, September 4, 2011

Catered Paleo Dinner with Yours Truly

Gil Butler, organizer of the Western Washington Paleo Enthusiasts group, has organized a catered "paleo" dinner on Sunday, October 9th.  He will be screening the first episode of "Primal Chef", Featuring Robb Wolf and others.  He invited me to give a short (20 minute) presentation, which I accepted.  There are still roughly 30 spots remaining [update 9/21-- the event is full].

The event will be in the Ballard neighborhood of Seattle and the price is $15.76 per person.  I will not be paid for this talk, it's just an opportunity to share ideas and meet people. 

Click here to register.


  1. Yo how come you ain't tweeted this yo? Then all the folks who wanna see yo ass they come runnin to yo partee, yo.

  2. Gathering related to health is good . We could share our thoughts and experience with others. We could know many diseases as knee disorder Meniscus Tear
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  3. When's the world tour? Don't keep your fans in the UK waiting!

  4. Stephan, I think you debate with Gary was very constructive. I wish you would reconstitute your post.

  5. What Emily said! And here's hoping someone decides to cater a dinner for you here in the nation's capital ;).

  6. Hi Stephan, bon appetit. Remember to take breaks during your meal to lower food reward even more:

    I'd love to know your take on this. Makes me remember the French, who eat very long meals with pauses in between. Perhaps there's our "Paradox"?

  7. Stephan,

    Nice to meet you last night. Thanks for the talk and for patiently answering my many questions!


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