Tuesday, March 15, 2016

A Free Issue of Examine.com Research Digest

Examine.com is a website that provides unbiased information on supplements and nutrition.  They publish the Examine.com Research Digest (ERD), which reviews the latest studies in these areas.  I like ERD because it does a nice job of curating recent science, making it understandable and engaging for a broad audience, and explaining important background information.  They have no conflicts of interest because they don't sell anything except information.  I've been a scientific reviewer for ERD since the beginning.

Examine.com is celebrating its fifth anniversary today.  To celebrate, they offered to put together a custom issue of ERD using five of my favorite articles.  I chose articles I thought my audience would enjoy.  You can download your free copy here (PDF).

If you like it and decide you want to sign up for ERD, there is a link in the PDF, or you can visit this page.  They're having a sale today, so if you're thinking about joining, today is a good choice.  If you purchase through the links I provided, you'll be supporting Whole Health Source at no extra cost to yourself.

If you already have ERD, let me know how you like it in the comments.


  1. I have had a subscription to the Examine.com ERD for over a year now. There is always some interesting fact that I learn from them regarding biology and supplements. Great read on the weekends when you want something a bit engaging.

  2. I'm a big fan of the Examine.com Research Digests. They do a great job hitting on the hot topics in the health realm, which always makes for good conversation. It's also nice to have legitimate evidence to formulate my opinions, as opposed to just conforming to the recent trends or fads. I would definitely recommend ERD to both health nuts and to casual individuals who like to stay up to date with the latest research.

  3. I've been able to recommend ERD to some of my friends who are registered dietitians. They've been able to use it as a means to help keep up to date with the latest research and trends in nutrition. There is always a mountain of new research being published every month so they have commented to me how ERD is able to highlight some of the most prominent papers so they don't have to dig through dozens of journals.

  4. Thanks! I enjoyed the dairy article. Maybe my grandparents would have lived longer if they hadn't switched from real cream to Rich's in the 70's.


  5. The ERD is an essential tool not only for health professionals, but also for anyone who just wants to optimize their health and well-being. Every issue provides a detailed analysis of recent research pertaining to nutrition and supplementation. More specifically, each article includes a nice introduction to catch you up with the past research, a break down of the the study that was just published and an analysis of its quality, and finally how it ties together with past studies. Not to mention that they summarize longer sections for you, highlighting the most important information, in case you don't have enough time to read the entire article at that time. Overall, It was worth every penny and I highly recommend it. Keep up the good work guys!!


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