Sunday, January 22, 2012

Three Announcements

Chris Highcock of the blog Conditioning Research just published a book called Hillfit, which is a conditioning book targeted at hikers/backpackers.  He uses his knowledge and experience in hiking and conditioning to argue that strength training is an important part of conditioning for hiking.  I'm also a hiker/backpacker myself here in the rugged and beautiful Pacific Northwest, and I also find that strength training helps with climbing big hills, and walking farther and more easily with a lower risk of injury.

Richard Nikoley of the blog Free the Animal has also published a book called Free the Animal: Beyond the Blog, where he shares his strategies for losing fat and improving health and fitness.  I haven't had a chance to read it yet, but Richard has a reasonable perspective on diet/health and a sharp wit. 

Also, my friend Pedro Bastos has asked me to announce a one-day seminar at the University of Lisbon (Portugal) by Dr. Frits Muskiet titled "Vitamins and Minerals: A Scientific, Modern, Evolutionary and Global View".  It will be on Sunday, Feb 5-- you can find more details about the seminar here.  Dr. Muskiet is a researcher at the Groningen University Medical Center in the Netherlands.  He studies the impact of nutrients, particularly fatty acids, on health, from an evolutionary perspective.  Wish I could attend. 


Chris said...

Thanks for the support Stephan - it is really appreciated.

Ricahrd's book is definitely worth the read too.

parvez said...

I appreciate your blog

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Nyx said...

I just read this quote and immediately thought of you. In case you haven't come across it, I thought you would appreciate it. “Our minds are like our stomachs; they are whetted by the change of their food, and variety supplies both with fresh appetite.” -- Marcus Fabius Quintilian, 1st century Roman orator

Richard Nikoley said...

Thank you much Stephan.

And I still owe Chis a read and post myself (bit of a cold and then weekend got in the way). I've known Chris from the early days in 2007, roughly the same time as former PhD candidate Stephan here. Chris has always been solid every step of the way. He's open minded, but hasn't let his brains fall out one time.

Alright, one tiny plug on my own behalf, got a 5-star Amazon review on my book from Nicholas Nassim Taleb. Yea, I'm silly giddy about that. Black Swan event.

Chris said...

Thanks Richard - there is no rush. The book is selling well.

strat said...

A good deal for dieters. I can live with that.

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